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A Weird Billionaire Wants to Keep 

Washington from Having What We Need:

✔︎ A Healthy Climate

✔︎ Funding for Schools

✔︎ Taxes on the Uber Rich

✔︎ Long Term Health Care

✔︎ Well Paid Union Jobs

Vote No on His Ballot Initiatives

See information on each Initiative below

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Vote No on I-2066

I-2066   Seeks  to maintain natural gas as a major contributor to climate change and a  home health risk and will block or hinder planning for a just transition:  ​From Permanent Defense (NW Progressive Institute): - It has the potential to increase Washingtonians’ costs - It seeks to delay and disrupt our transition to a clean energy economy - It disregards the latest scientific research showing that gas use harms human health - It would make many new homes less safe ​​ I-2066 Offers no protections from gas price increases, will contribute to climate change and continued home health risks: ​​​ - 2066 offers zero protection from higher prices going forward. Despite attempting to eliminate an incentivized pathway to more stable prices, proponents failed to put any provisions in their measure addressing affordability for households already on gas. - It takes as little as 0.2 percent of gas to leak to make natural gas as big a driver of climate change as coal.  Emissions from natural gas consumption represent 78% of the direct fossil fuel CO2 emissions from the residential and commercial sector in 2022. - Children living in households that use gas stoves for cooking are 42% more likely to have asthma, according to an analysis of observational research.  ​

For further Information see No I-2066

Vote No on I-2109

I-2109 Takes away more than $5 billion from Washington education, draining budgets: ​ - Funding from the capital gains tax is dedicated to public education, childcare and early learning. Parents are desperate for more childcare and early learning openings, especially in rural areas.  - School districts across the state are facing budget shortfalls and don’t have the funds for school repairs. If I-2109 passes, school districts may have to turn to more property tax levies to keep schools safe for students. ​  I-2109 gives a tax cut to fewer than 4,000 mega-millionaires and billionaires in Washington: ​ - 99.8% of Washington households did not pay a dime of state capital gains tax, yet in 2022, the first year it was collected, it raised $889 million for education. 84% of the revenue from this tax comes from wealthy residents in King County. - Washington State’s capital gains tax is limited, applying only to 7% of the annual profits in excess of $250,000 from sales of stocks and bonds.  - All retirement accounts, such as IRAs, small family businesses, farms, and all real estate, including businesses and vacation homes, are already exempted.  ​ ​

For further Information see No I-2109​

Vote No on I-2117

I-2117    Provides a major tax benefit to Washington State Billionaires while cutting programs designed to address climate change: ​ - I-2117 would cut investments in clean air and water, forests and farmlands, jobs and transportation — increasing toxic pollution across our state and making traffic worse. Instead of a fee on pollution being paid by a few, it would shift the burden of paying for the impacts ofpollution back onto communities, workers, and families. - It’s being bankrolled by an extreme, right-wing donor who moved to WA to avoid taxes on his hedge fund;he’s “Tim Eyman with a gigantic bank account,” as the The Seattle Times put it. ​ It would strip away investments in every county in Washington, including investments in: ​ - Clean air and water, like programs to reduce toxic air and water pollution that endangers our families and communities. - Programs that lower costs for Washingtonians, like utility bill discounts for households with low incomes. - Programs to prevent wildfires, including funding for local governments to reduce the risk of fires. - Transportation, putting transit service, ferries and road projects at risk across the  making traffic worse. - Support for Tribal nations, like programs to help keep Native communities safe from flooding and sea level rise. - Farmland, farmers, and ranchers, like grants that support farmers’ and ranchers’ sustainable practices. Fish habitat and salmon recovery, like grants to remove barriers that hurt migrating salmon. ​ ​

For further Information see No I-2117

Vote No on I-2124

I-2124    Takes away long-term care benefits from 85% of working Washingtonians. While political interests claim this is about giving people a choice, the truth is I-2124 will: ​ - Harms people with pre-existing conditions, like cancer or diabetes, by taking away the only long-term care benefit available to them – since they can’t get private long-term care insurance;  - Take $8.1 billion from our long-term care benefits program, forcing premium hikes, and quickly bankrupting the program for everyone; Leave us at the mercy of for-profit insurance companies who jack up premiums and deny benefits by 50%, 100%, or even 300% without warning; - Force us to pay out of pocket for homecare, wheelchairs, ramps, and other long-term care expenses, or make us drain our savings, or sign over our homes, to qualify for Medicaid. ​ Don’t Let I-2124 Take Away Washington’s Long-Term Care Benefit ​ - The need for long-term care is a scary event we all hope to avoid, but the fact is 70% of us will need help with daily living activities as a result of a serious injury, illness, disease or other challenge that can happen at any age. Washington’s long-term care benefit is a safety net, like Social Security or Medicare, set up to allow seniors, and disabled or severely ill adults, to live with dignity and stability. - Lawmakers have steadily strengthened Washington’s long term care benefit—first making near-retirees eligible, even if they work part-time. Thanks to new changes, - Washingtonians who have paid into the program can keep their benefits even if they move out of state for work, family, or retirement.   - The vast majority of us do not have a way to pay for long-term care expenses, which are not covered by traditional health insurance or Medicare. - Today, Washingtonians have an affordable, guaranteed benefit we can tap to help cover the costs of long-term care: it’s called the WA Cares Fund. Benefits start at $36,500 in 2026 (growing to as much as $60,000 in 20 years, indexed to inflation). Benefits cover: home care aide so you can stay in your own home; family member’s time caring for you; wheelchairs, hospital beds, lifts, and other equipment; ramps, grab bars, and other home modifications; and residential care.

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