PSARA Legislative Conference Tuesday, November 30, 2021 at 1:00 p.m.
At our annual Legislative Conference we introduce PSARA's Legislative Agenda for the coming year, get a briefing from our lobbyist, hear from friendly legislators, and plan our lobbying strategy for the upcoming legislative session.
Last year we won a number of victories on issues we had on our agenda. This year, we know that some of our priority bills that were not passed in 2021 are still alive, and we'll plan how to keep pushing for them.
We also know that the State is not up against the same funding crunch as in years past, so we're optimistic that money will not be an obstacle to taking care of human needs. Join us to talk about our Legislative Agenda and our plans to visit Olympia and lobby our elected representatives.
This conference will be held over Zoom. If you are already on PSARA's email list, watch for upcoming emails with the Zoom link. If you don't get regular emails from PSARA, just email to get on our list. We'll keep you up-to-date on all PSARA events and activities, plus the progress of our legislative measures in Olympia.
If you want to help craft PSARA's Legislative Agenda, there's still time. Come to the next meeting of our Government Relations Committee (GRC). GRC meets via Zoom on the first Thursday of every month at noon. Email for the link.